Sunday, June 2, 2013

Maybe on Monday...

Hey friends!

Just logged into my TriDeci account and read this new update:
Good Day Folks,

As most of you are probably aware, one of the major payment processors we use has been shut down, without warning and without return of our funds which they held.

As they were by far our highest usage payment system, this has seriously affected our ability to smoothly resume operations after our recent security update.

We have been formulating a plan of action and expect that by Monday we will have finalized the finer details and will be able to get under way again.

So please be patient, we are working on it and we do believe we have a reasonable solution to allow us to continue.

Until then, everything will remain suspended in the state it currently is.


TriDeci Admin.
Fingers Crossed!!


  1. This doesn't sound good to me,but let's hope everything will be ok...

    1. Yes, seems like all the opportunities I'm in are starting to collapse.... ;(
      Fingers Crossed!!
