Saturday, March 30, 2013

Some info about the TriDeci DC Units

Hi there!

Here an email I received from my upline explaining a bit more about the TriDeci DC Units:
There is 3 daily plans. Each day your returns are split 70/30 between your cash balance and reserved purchase balance.

NOTE: You can buy into any of the plans and earn the lower rate per plan if not upgraded to that level but to earn the higher rate per plan then you need to be upgraded to the required level.


Cost $10 each.
Returns you 2% per day PLUS an extra 1% bonus if you are upgraded to at least ACTIVE level ($9.99 per 30 days)
Will pay you returns unit its maturing value of $20 (200%) per unit.


Cost $30 each.
Returns you 2.5% per day PLUS an extra 1.5% bonus if you are upgraded to at least PREMIUM level ($99.95 per 30 days)
Will pay you returns unit its maturing value of $75 (250%) per unit.


Cost $100 each.
Returns you 3% per day PLUS an extra 2% bonus if you are upgraded to at least ELITE level ($999.99 per 30 days)
Will pay you returns unit its maturing value of $300 (300%) per unit.


1. Click on "GET DC UNITS" in the "QUICKLINKS" menu on the left hand side of your dashboard page.

2. Select the amount of ad credits you want to buy based on the following amounts.

1000 ad credits ($10) is enough to buy you 1 dc unit in plan A (2% daily if not upgraded and 3% daily if you are upgraded to at least ACTVE level)
3000 ad credits ($30) is enough to buy you 1 dc unit in plan B (2.5% daily if not upgraded and 4% daily if you are upgraded to at least PREMIUM level)
10000 ad credits ($100) is enough to buy you 1 dc unit in plan C (3% daily if not upgraded and 5% daily if you are upgraded to at ELITE level)

3. Check your reward point to DC unit allocation!!

You must ensure your points are allocated to the package you are wanting to buy, they automatically get allocated to plan A so if you are wanting to allocate positions in the other plans then you must click the X under the allocated point in plan A and then click to add the points to one of the other plans until you have what you are wanting.

4. ONLY after that should you click CONTINUE TO CHECKOUT.

5. On this page you confirm what you are buying and agree to buying.

6. On the following page you pay via any of the processors or your account balance or repurchase balance.

I hope this is of some help, any questions then just ask, i will get back as soon as i can.
I am not admin or support, i am in your upline somewhere and a fellow member just trying to help. 

Thanks for that email!
Tomorrow I'll receive another one explaining about the forced matrix and I'll post it here ;)

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