Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New Update regarding Liberty Reserve

Hi there friends!

As expected the closing down of Liberty Reserve will carry "problems" to many opportunities out there. Here is the last update from TriDeci I just read.

Liberty Reserve closure and its effects.

OK Folks, just as we were about to get back to business, this little spanner gets thrown in the works.

As most of you appear to be aware, one of the major payment processors we use, Liberty Reserve, is no longer accessible via the internet or other means.

As this type of behaviour for them has been a regular occurrence it was not of much concern until at least 48 hours after they went offline, especially as it occurred near-to and over the weekend.

However judging by various reports in the media, including some on reputable websites such as the BBC News website, this is apparently far more serious than just one of their usual extended maintenance shutdowns.

This time it actually appears they really have ceased operations, whether by their own hands, by hackers, or as reported, they have been forced to do so by law enforcement authorities.

If these reports are true, then yes, we are going to be substantially affected as they were by volume, our highest used payment processor and also held a significant part of our funds.

But, before everyone jumps to conclusions and runs around spouting the worst, please take note of the following:

1. We still have substantial funds holdings in the other processors we use.

2. Its still not 100% certain they are gone despite the media reports. And as its still less than a week, we are not going to make any drastic decisions right now even if it is true.

3. Even if they are gone, that doesn't mean we are going to go too!

That being said, we must be extremely cautious and until further information may come to light, we are going to remain in the state we are for the time being, and will issue another update in the next 48 - 72 hours.

So please note, until we have enough further info to make a decision:

Surfing and Daily Income System is on hold until further notice.
Cash outs will resume shortly once your 72 hour password change restriction has expired(That is if you have logged in and changed your password).

All Member Service Packages and also DCUs are on hold, ie they will not expire. This will be held until we have made a decision on what is the best course of action.

Cycler system is on hold for now as well.

Also. Please! DO NOT send in a support request ticket unless it really is truly and absolutely neccessary! Any tickets sent in now that do not provide the secret to life and the universe WILL be placed on hold!

So please be patient. Let us work through this in a calm and intelligent manner. Panicking is not going to help anyone!


TriDeci Admin.

So I hope the site is back up and running as soon as possible :)

Friday, May 24, 2013

TriDeci finally open :)

Hi there!
Today finally TriDeci re-opened the site even though it is not totally funcional:
Earnings are not working yet and as we have not surfed any sites we have also not earned a dime. Unfortunately the membership has continued and mine was about to expire. As I do not want to put any more money out of my pocket online I decided to cancel my pending withdrawal to have funds to pay for my upgrade. I also wanted to purchase new DC Units but this feature is not yet available. Here is tue email:
TriDeci Members Update - What happened.
OK. So about 10 days ago we experienced an attack on the login system. An unidentified person was using an automated script to test combinations of usernames and basic passwords to try and gain access to user accounts. In several cases this person was successful and was then able to take over the user accounts and then use a similar script to guess the Security PIN. Thus they were able to change cashout destinations and make a withdrawal, a number of which were paid.
Here's our beef. There were 9 compromised accounts. In all cases the compromised accounts used 123456 as their password, or used their own username as their password. Seriously?
So we did a test of our own and tested all login passwords for 123456 and also their username. Guess what. We found that over 2000 other accounts were using these as well.
This is the most basic security error anyone can make in this day and age. Come on folks, its 2013! For all intensive purposes the internet is 25 years or more old and the number one rule about online security is - Use a proper password! Not doing so is like leaving your front door wide open!
So we shut down the system, and have reworked the login system to stop people using dumb passwords. We have issued a reset notice for everyone. All passwords must be changed, and passwords now have to have at least one Uppercase, one lowercase letter, and one number.
Now, we have thoroughly checked the logs, and we are certain that only those 9 accounts were compromised and had details changed. They have all been reset and any payments made will be refunded.
We are absolutely certain that our backend systems were not compromised, the database was not hacked and our system is still secure.
But we are implementing some additional rules, to guard against this in future.
1. In addition to the password requirements above, whenever your password or PIN is changed withdrawals are blocked for 72 hours.
2. Three failures entering your password or PIN will get you locked out for ten minutes. 7 or more fails and you will be permanently locked out and your IP address blocked. If you are the real account owner, this will not prseent a problem for you, only an attacker.
3.Your browser/ip address/country will be checked. Any changes to these and you will need to confirm it via a link sent to your email address.
Now 1 and 2 are already done, but 3 will be implemented in due course as we first need to check you all are actually receiving emails, thus we will soon ask you all to re-verify your default email address.
OK so far. Whats going to happen now.
Firstly, any outstanding withdrawals will be returned to your account. Once you have reset your password, there will be a 72 hour wait before you can issue another request.
Second. A number of your 30 Day upgrades expired while we were on hold. We have placed the commission system on hold now until Sunday Midnight GMT 26 May to allow you time to renew your upgrade (If you wish). Once this hold expires we will add 2 weeks to all upgraded members to allow for the missed days, so make sure you are upgraded before Sunday.
Third. Daily Commissions and surfing are on hold until Monday at the earliest. Take note! We will not be back-paying the missed days! The site did not make any sales, you did not do any surfing and no revenue was generated, thus no commissions will be paid. The expiry date of all units will however be extended by two weeks to cover the missed days. Once we are sure that all is well we will open the system back up.
Ok, thats all for now. Please go and login and reset your password.
TriDeci Admin.
At least it is good to see that our membership and DC Units are going to live two weeks longer ;)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Another Delay...

Here is the new Info on the TriDeci HomePage:
Welcome to TriDeci - System Upgrade in progress until WED 22 May
Work on our ongoing upgrade to our Security Protocols has almost been completed. We still have a number of small items to tick off our list before we progress through to final testing and then bringing the site back online.
We apologise for the repeated delays but we need to be certain that all updates will not interfere with your ease of use of the site.
Thus we are extending downtime to MIDNIGHT GMT on Wed 22 May. We sincerely expect that this will be the last delay.
Please do not panic. We are not going offline, and we will be back.
Thank you for your patience.
The TriDeci Technical Team.
Keep waiting people....

Saturday, May 18, 2013

TriDeci update taking quite long

Hi there friends!

Just tried to log into my TriDeci account but the site is still under maintenance:
Welcome to TriDeci - System updates in progress until SUN 19 May

The TriDeci website will be be undergoing some essential updates for up to 48 hours.
We aim to be back before midnight GMT on SUN 19 May.
Please do not panic. We are not going offline, and we will be back.
Thank you for your patience.
The TriDeci Technical Team
So now it has moved from Friday midnight to Sunday midnight... Nothing else to do but wait.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

TirDeci Update in progress

Hi friends!

I just wanted to log into my TriDeci account to find out that they are updating the system and will not be available till Friday. Here is what you can read on the main website:

Welcome to TriDeci - System updates in progress.
The TriDeci website will be be undergoing some essential updates for approximately 24 - 48 hours.
We will be back before MIDNIGHT GMT on Fri 17 May.
Please do not panic. We are not going offline, and we will be back.
Thank you for your patience.
The TriDeci Technical Team.

This means that I'll have to wait till Friday to get my latest payout request :(

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My second TriDeci Withdrawal

Hey friends!

Just logged into my TriDeci Account and requested my second withdrawal ;)

Let's see if they process this one as fast a the last one !!

Friday, May 10, 2013

My TriDeci is on fire :)

Hi there!

Just wanted to share with you that in the last two days my TriDeci account has been on fire: I've got 6 referrals!! I could not believe this, as I'm not the recruiter type and I'm promoting this opportunity but writing here on my blog.
From all those members who joined only one has really upgraded to bronze level and all other five are just active members. Anyway I hope they soon see the potential this opportunity has to give so they take action ;)

Thursday, May 2, 2013

TriDeci Email from the Founder

Hi there guys!

Just wanted to share with you the email I received from the TriDeci Founder, Sean Kelly. 
So there we were.

We are almost 3 months in old. In fact in about a weeks time we will have achieved that very significant milestone, one which really seems to have been but a dream for many other advertising based programs of late.

Why? Because we are the 'Real Deal' folks! We have worked at putting together a fantastic system and business opportunity, developed the infrastructure and are constantly working to improve the service we provide.

And this is really paying off, not just for us, but for everyone involved. And the numbers back it up:

20 168 Members.

763 400 Cash Outs Paid.

Over 38 Million Ad Impressions delivered!

Alexa rank 7237.

Still growing at a cracking rate, from 300 to 500 new members every day.

Enough proof yet?

So, now to answer some common questions, like: Is this sustainable? How can we keep paying out? Is the growth going to continue? Is this even legal?

OK, lets start with the legality of our business model. TriDeci is an affiliate site, we sell ads on behalf of our ad network, something we have been working on now for a while. Its a in a closed beta, which means only very few people know about it and are actively involved, apart from those who actually make use of the service, ie you guys. And yes it is also the real deal, not a pretend network, and soon anyone will be able to show our panels on their sites, and make income much like you can with any other ad network like google etc.

Which is where we derive our income. 1. from our split of revenue generated from showing ads and generating traffic through the daily surfing. 2. Our wholesale split for when we resell ad credits on the network 3. And then our markup on reselling those credits ie the ones you buy in the back office.

Thus as you can see, all income is legitimately derived from sales of PRODUCTS. We do NOT generate income by taking deposits off members, and we are NOT an 'Investment Program'! Any purchases made are strictly business expenses, or outlays, they cannot be termed as investments. Even our 30 Day Upgrades are only granted as the result of purchasing an ad credits package!

OK. Got it? We generate revenue from advertising! Like google, or facebook, or twitter, or yahoo, or youtube. Shall I go on...

We put that revenue into our profit pool. And only from that profit pool do we pay our Daily Commissions to people who qualified by surfing their ten sites, or who completed a cycler matrix, or who earned a residual matrix commission.

How can we keep paying out like we do? Well, we have a very complex formula to determine what we pay out, so wont go into that here. Simply, it calculates what we can pay from the pool on daily basis over a nominated period. If the amount is greater than the cap, eg 3% including bonus for Plan A, then we pay the full 3% daily. If it is less, then we would pay a reduced amount. To date - We have not yet had to pay a reduced daily commission! - and this is down to our growth.

What would happen if growth slows down?

Then we have the option of extending the 100 day expiry term. Or we can do a compression of the units, for example if you had ten half paid A units which were still due to pay you 100 commissions, we would compress those into 5 brand new A units which would pay you, yes $100 commissions. In extreme cases, we still can fall back on a conversion to cyclers, amounts calculated along the same lines.

In any case, if there was a need to do this, then you would have ample warning, as you would notice the daily commissions gradually falling. This would give you time to re-evaluate your strategy and make adjustments. Its not just going to happen suddenly from one day to the next!

What is the growth potential? What is the long term outlook.

Ok, so if growth continues, for how long and where will it end? That is an unknown but lets throw some figures at it. Take facebook for example, according to WikiPedia over 1 BILLION members, 5.1 billion revenue, and thats for 2012 only.

Say if we even managed 1000th of that in our first year, ie 1 Million members? Our figures are absolutely pale in comparison, we would have to DOUBLE in size every 5 WEEKS to get there. And then we would have to double in size again every year for the next TEN years to get to HALF of the size of the purple page producer!

So! There you go! Legal! Sustainable! Decade plus outlook! Still fence sitting? Why?

Ok. Site changes. Just a quick rundown.

Payment proof page has been updated. Now shows the highest cashpouts in the last 24 hours. Go have a look at what you could have been earning like some of our members.

Payza is discontinued as a payment option. Sorry, but we have had too many reversals owing to persons paying with fradulent funds of late to make this a viable method any more. Usage in any case was less than 1% of Liberty Reserve and the time wasted and cost is not acceptable. If you have to use Payza funds, then we suggest you open a free EgoPay account and transfer your Payza into that and you can pay and withdraw the EgoPay way.

Which also allows us now to lift the same processor restriction as this was the original reason for its institution. You can now pay by one processor and draw out of another, just be aware though we may hold some cashouts if we have reason to believe they are fraudulent.

You can transfer from Cash to Reserve Balance, but not back. Reserve balance may only be used to pay for Cycler Qualifying purchases. This keeps the cyclers moving and allows you to cycle, even if you never refer a single member!

Thanks. These must go to Marc Freidberg and his team for their sterling support efforts, and to Mike Haggie for maintaining the facebook groups page.

If you have built a support page for your team or country or language, please submit it on a support ticket and we will add it into the support pages in the back-office. There may be prizes for the best ones.....

OK. Thats about it. Its been a month since my last update, unless there is a dire need for it, please expect to receive my next in about a months time.

Kind Regards

TriDeci Founder. 

It's great to read about TriDeci growing strong.
I'm wondering what's going on with Payza as many online opportunities are getting rid of this payment processor....